Adding the Cerberus Logo/Link as an e-mail signature

many thanks to John Toogood for suggesting and developing this means of advertising the Cerberus website & cause.

The following instructions will add the logo/link below at the bottom of outgoing e-mail messages. (the logo can be easily removed for individual e-mails) The person receiving the e-mail can click on any part of the signature and go to the Cerberus website.

Save the Cerberus website. www.cerberus.com.au
a "National Heritage Place"

Microsoft Outlook Express 5 & 6

1- Copy the text in the following text box by clicking on Select All & Copy highlighted in yellow:

Select All & Copy

2- Open windows notepad (Start / Programs / Accessories) and select edit / paste.

3- Using Save As save the file to the folder of your choice as:      cerberus_signature.html

4- Open Outlook Express and select Tools / Options / Signatures

5- Click NEW then File (near the bottom) then Browse

6- For file type make sure all files or html files is selected

7- Now find cerberus_signature.html in the folder where you previously saved it and click on it.

8- Select set as default and Add signatures to all outgoing messages then OK

9- Sit back and feel contented that you are helping to spread the word with every e-mail that you send.


1- When writing an e-mail simply type your message above the cerberus logo and the logo will automatically appear at the bottom of your e-mail.

2- To send a message without the logo, simply select the logo, right click and then delete. The logo will still be available for the next e-mail.

3- To delete the logo/link signature permanently, simply go to Tools / Options / Signatures and remove the signature.

How to Insert an HTML Signature in Outlook Express Messages from Microsoft