Friends of the Cerberus is grateful to the following organisations & individuals for permission to use their material and for their assistance.

We are grateful to the Defence Science & Technology Organisation for their assistance during the internal survey of Cerberus.

We are grateful to the Royal Australian Naval Reserve's Diving Team Six for their assistance during the internal survey of Cerberus.

We are grateful to Jotun Protective Coatings for their offer to supply paint and technical advice to paint Cerberus.

We are grateful to Haymes Paints for donating paint for the replica turret.

We are grateful to Victorian Regional Channels Authority for a grant to improve our Victorian Navy display in the Geelong Maritime Museum.

We are grateful to Pivotal Galleries for holding the Save the Cerberus Art Exhibition in October 2009.

Chanter Estate Military Museum

We are grateful to the Chanter Estate Military Museum for allowing us to acquire a Maxim-Nordenfelt 14 pounder QF Common Shell.

T.S. Henty Naval Cadets

We are grateful to the T.S. Henty Naval Cadets for giving us a 10 inch Common Shell and 10 inch Palliser Shot.

We are grateful to the Shire of Glenelg for assistance in acquiring the 10 inch Common Shell and 10 inch Palliser Shot.

Three Headed Dog Productions - Raising the Cerberus.

We are grateful to Jeff Bird of Three Headed Dog Productions for editing and filming assistance.

GHD website

We are grateful to GHD pty/ltd for extensive engineering advice and for the use of their meeting room.

Sandringham Yacht Club website

We are grateful to the Sandringham Yacht Club for the use of their boat during Cerberus Celebration Days in 2006 and 2007.

Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group

Six large framed photos and plans of Cerberus donated by Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group (A.L.H.).

Network Ten

Aerial View video used with the permission of Network Ten.

Australian War Memorial

An attack on Melbourne: a case study of the defence of Australia’s major ports in the early 1890s by Michael Kitson, reproduced with permission from the Journal of the Australian War Memorial, no 35, December 2001

Photographs courtesy of the AWM Image Collection.

State Library of Victoria

Numerous images used courtesy of the State Library's "Newspaper Collection" and "Image Library".

Manual for the Victorian Naval Forces - 1887 courtesy of the "Rare Books Department" and the "Copying Centre".

Museum Victoria

Two photographs of 2nd damaged gun replacement reproduced courtesy of Museum Victoria.

Photo of Gun being replaced courtesy of Ted Schleiger & Graeme Disney

University of Melbourne

Photographs from the Wilfrid Russell Grimwade collection, courtesy of the University of Melbourne Archives.

Permission to copy the Manual for Victorian Naval Forces - 1890.

Click to visit the Three Headed Dog Website

Numerous Drawings, Technical Details, and Deck Plans from The Three Headed Dog by Bob Nicholls 2001

Photos of Shield Deck courtesy of John King © 1968

Photos of Upper Deck & underwater in 1989 courtesy of Glen Agnew

Photo from stern of Quarterdeck courtesy of Peter Baxter

Crew Profiles courtesy of Shirley Joy

Header image courtesy of the City of Bayside

Click to visit the Oxford University Press

Labeled Drawing of Cerberus reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press Australia from The Royal Australian Navy by David Stevens © Oxford University Press www.oup.com.au

Anti-Torpedo Net and Nordenfelt Gun images from Queen Victoria's Navy by Steve Johnson

Nets being rolled up image from Life on Board a Pre Dreadnought Battleship

Contemporary Reports typed by Stoker Cherylle Thurling (Victorian Navy).

Images of Melbourne

Painting of Cerberus with small boats used with permission of Dacre Smyth. Available in Images of Melbourne Dacre Smyth 1998.

Heritage Vic

Underwater Videos filmed before the 1993 collapse courtesy of Bob Whiteway.

Underwater Videos filmed after the 1993 collapse courtesy of Peter Harvey of Heritage Vic.

Acquisition of recently discovered photos funded by Heritage Victoria.

Paradise Divers

Thanks to Terry Oakley and the divers from Paradise Divers for providing the dive boat & conducting our search for Cerberus artifacts.

Klipz Promotions

Thanks to Maree Toogood of Klipz Promotions for the underwater photography during our search for Cerberus artifacts.

Sea Power Centre.

Extensive extracts from diary of Engineer William George Robertson supplied by Sea Power Centre Australia, Department of Defence.

Battleship to Breakwater

Reproduction of HMVS Cerberus - Battleship to Breakwater courtesy of the City of Bayside.

Reproduction of The Mystery of the Cerberus Silver Soup Tureen and other research courtesy of Shirley Joy.

Research for The Damaged Guns, The Torpedo Incident publications and Crew details Frank Noonan.

Moment of Truth short story reproduced courtesy of Bob Whiteway.

The Ironclad Cerberus

Reproduction of The Ironclad Cerberus courtesy of the Maritime Archeology Association of Victoria.

Firing of Williamstown Guns Video courtesy of Adrian Roads and
"The Historical Re-enactment Society of Australia".

Reformation of the Victorian Navy reproduced courtesy of Brad Golding.

TV Emery Rice engine photographs from the collection of the American Merchant Marine Museum US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY

The Naval Gatling Gun video was generously made available by machineguns.co.nz.

A rare photograph of Cerberus from the bow courtesy of the Nepean Historical Society.

The Nordenfelt video was generously made available by Brook Lapping Productions and Devillier Donegan Enterprises.

A photograph of one of the 2 Cerberus Engine Room Telegraphs courtesy of the Williamstown Historical Society Museum Electra St. Williamstown.

Ernie & Maureen Christopher for reglazing & reframing assistance.

David Wren of Wrensoft for allowing us to use his excellent ZoomSearch program.

Expo Hire

Expo Hire for the use of display equipment.

CPR Communications & Public relations

CRP Communications & Public Relations for public relations advice.

Black Rock Yacht Club

Black Rock Yacht Club for the use of meeting rooms and hosting our display.

Individual Sponsors

Those who have contributed towards the purchase of artifacts & manuals etc.

John Atkins, John Baragwanath, Robin Cooper MP, Bernie Edwards, Dr. Mark Griffin, Frederick Howard, Phillip Jacobs, Shirley & David Joy, Geoff O'Kearney, Greg Latt, Mary-lou Little, Jacqui Nicholson, A. Buckland-Pinnock, Patrick O'Sullivan, Geoff O'Kearney, Rachel Roads, John Rogers, Brian Russell, Richard Sartore George Scott, Travis Sellers, Greg Curzon-Siggers, Alan & Wendy Smith, John Underwood.

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