Note: The buttons below are for yearly payments until canceled. They are not once only payments. e.g. If subscribed as a Stoker then you would be billed $20 each year until you canceled. Once only payments can be made at the On-Line store. Canceling a subscription can be done using the links on this page or directly with PayPal.
Commander ($100) |
Lieutenant Commander ($80) |
Senior Officers ($60) |
Less Senior Officers ($50) |
Middle Ranks ($40) |
Junior Ranks ($30) |
Very Junior Ranks ($20) |
Lowest Ranks (free) (no payment necessary) | Cancel Subscription here or at |
Monitor Captain ($1,000) |
Line-of-Battleship Captain ($500) |
Gunboat Captain ($400) |
1st Class Torpedo Boat Captain ($360) |
2nd Class Torpedo Boat Captain ($330) |
Torpedo Launch Captain ($300) |
Auxiliary Gunboat Captain ($270) |
Steam Sloop Captain ($240) |
Armed Launch Captain ($210) |
Mine Layer Captain ($180) |
Picket Boat Captain ($150) |
Gun Raft Captain ($130) |
Monitor ($1,000) |
Line-of-Battleship ($500) |
Gunboat ($400) |
1st Class Torpedo Boat ($360) |
2nd Class Torpedo Boat ($330) |
Torpedo Launch ($300) |
Auxiliary Gunboat ($270) |
Steam Sloop ($240) |
Armed Launch ($210) |
Mine Layer ($180) |
Picket Boat ($150) |
Gun Raft (Free) (no payment necessary) |
Cancel Subscription here or at |