Flags of the Victorian Naval Forces.
Mouseover flags.

Possible 1856 Naval Ensign flown by HMCS Victoria. 

Possible 1865 Naval Ensign flown by HMCS Victoria. 
Nine Flags flown by HMVS Cerberus. |

British Merchant Flag.  (Flown on delivery voyage.)

1870 Victorian flag. 

1877 Victorian flag with imperial crown. 

1901 Victorian flag with tudor crown official flag 1 Jan. 1901 - 28 Feb. 1901. 

1901 Australian flag with large 6 pointed federation star official flag 3 September 1901 to 20 February 1903. 

1903 Australian flag with small 6 pointed federation star official flag 20 February 1903 - 1908. 

1908 (Current) Australian flag with 7 pointed federation star official flag 1908 - 1911. 

Royal Navy Ensign flown by Cerberus 1911-1924. 

1953 Victorian flag with St Edward's crown (first flown by Cerberus 16 July 2006) 
Other Flags flown by the Victorian Navy.
Union Flag |

Union Flag flown by HMCS Victoria in New Zealand 1860 
First Victorian Flag (1856)
In 1856 the Victorian Chief Secretary advised the various Victorian government departments that they were to fly distinctive flags. Captain Norman was asked to have the letter V placed under the crown on his ship's flag. In reply Captain Norman wrote "Before going to expense of making the alteration having the 'Kangaroo' in the position named for the letter....". Captain Norman then then made his case for the letter V to be omitted from the flag of HMCS Victoria. On 10 October 1856 the Chief Secretary replied that "The request of Captn. Norman may be complied with."2
As well as bearing a crown the flag flown by HMCS Victoria most likely bore the union flag in the upper canton as on the current Victorian and Australian flags. Whether the 1856 Victorian Naval flag also had a kangaroo on it is not known.
Second Victorian Flag (1865)
In the Victorian Government Gazette of 27 January 1865 the new flag for Her Majesty's Ships of War was described as "shall bear a white ensign, with a red St. George's cross and the union in the upper canton."
In the Victorian Government Gazette of 12 December 1865 it was stated that "in accordance with the Admiralty Regulations, published in the Government Gazette of 27th January, 1865, the Blue Ensign with the Union described therin, together with a Crown and the initial letter H.M.C., will be borne by boats, &c., in the Customs Department, in lieu of that previously in force."

Blue Ensign with Crown & Initial.Flag flown on Elder's Gun Raft in 1865 with Imperial Crown and the letter T. Letters were used to indicate which Government department was responsible for the vessel. (Ian MacFarlane) Customs boats used the initials H.M.C.1 We believe that the letter T indicates that naval vessels came under the Treasury Department, which was in fact the case.
Four Flags at OnceThe boats with the Ministers on board met the Victoria off Gellibrand's Point at the entrance to Hobson's Bay, and very soon afterwards that is to say at l0 minutes past 2 o'clock the first gun was filed from H.M.C.S. Nelson, and the spectators were apprised of the nearness of the Victoria. The Nelson completed a salute of 17 guns, and ensigns were dipped as the Victoria steamed past at a deliberate pace. The yards of the Nelson were manned, and the boys played the National Anthem-the only music that was heard throughout the proceedings of the day.
Ten minutes or a quarter of an hour later, the Victoria reached a point midway between the two piers, and then dropped anchor. She had St George's ensign at the fore, the union jack (the Governor's flag) at the main, the red ensign at the mizen, and the blue ensign of Victoria floated over her stern. A flotilla of boats gathered round her. His Excellency and Lady Bowen were conveyed to the pier in the steam pinnace of the Nelson, and as the union jack was lowered from the main of the Victoria and the (Victorian) blue ensign substituted for it, the Sandridge Volunteer Artillery corps, under Captain Swallow fired a second salute from the Sandridge battery. |